We will be announcing our 2024 class schedule soon!
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Introduction to Willow Weaving for Beginners - Margaret Mathewson (for adults and youth 11+ w/ a parent)
Weaving with Willow Bark - Deb Curtis (for adults 18+)
Beginning Basketry for Youth - Marta Capriles (for youth only, ages 10-18)
Wrapped Zen Rocks - Deb Curtis (for adults 18+)
Pack Basket Weaving - Rose Holdorf (for adults and youth 14+ w/ a parent)

Bike Repair and Maintenance - Trevor Heald (for adults and youth 8+ w/ a parent)

Introduction to Blacksmithing - Chris Highfield (for youth 8+ w/ a parent)

Create with Clay: Pottery and Hand-building - Laura Young (for adults and youth 8+ w/ a parent)
Hands with Clay - Teiya Inokuma (for adults 18+)

Saving Wild Seeds - Emily Wittkop (for adults and youth 8+ w/ a parent)
The Scythe, a Brief Intro to Managing Grassland and Landscape with this Versatile, Efficient, and Enjoyable Tool - Kiko Denzer (for adults and youth 15+ w/ a parent)

Eco Printing - Plant Portraits on Paper - Chris Bentley (for adults and youth 8+ w/ a parent)
Beginning Crochet: The Coral Reef Project - Shellece Millison (for adults and youth 8+ w/ a parent)
Build and Weave: Rug Making with a Twining Loom - Sarah Edwardsson and Barry Glassman (for adults 18+)

Community Build: Earth Oven - Learn to Make a Traditional Wood-Fired Masonry Oven for Bread, Pizza, and Everything Else - Kiko Denzer (for adults and youth 15+ w/ a parent)
Pupusas, Curtido, and Salsa Tomate from Scratch - Arely Hanson (for adults and youth 15+ w/ a parent)

Growing Medicinal Plants in the Willamette Valley - Jaci Guerena (for adults and youth 12+ w/ a parent)
Beginning Herbalism for Youth - Marta Capriles (for youth only, ages 10-18)

Eco Printing - Plant Portraits on Paper - Chris Bentley (for adults and youth 8+ w/ a parent)
Bird Watching Basics/Observando Pájaros Lo Básico - Marcía Snyder and Tyler Wilson (for adults and youth 12+ w/ a parent)
Saving Wild Seeds Emily Wittkop (for adults and youth 8+ w/ a parent)
The Scythe, a Brief Intro to Managing Grassland and Landscape with this Versatile, Efficient, and Enjoyable Tool - Kiko Denzer (for adults and youth 15+ w/ a parent)

Community Build: Timber Frame Shelter - William Fowlkes (for adults 18+)
Earthen Plasters and Cob for an Existing Home: Use the Dirt under your Feet to Upgrade and Ornament Your Home - Kiko Denzer (for adults and youth 14+ w/ a parent)
Community Build: Earth Oven - Learn to Make a Traditional Wood-Fired Masonry Oven for Bread, Pizza, and Everything Else - Kiko Denzer (for adults and youth 15+ w/ a parent)

Beginning Spoon Carving - Rose Holdorf (for adults and youth 14+ w/ a parent)
Community Build: Timber Frame Shelter - William Fowlkes (for adults 18+)
Build a Modern Coat Rack - Nathaniel Stein (for adults and youth 10+ w/ a parent)
Wooden Mallets: Build a Shop Tool - Nathaniel Stein (for adults and youth 10+ w/ a parent)
Build Your Own Tiered Book Tree - Katherine Edmonds (for adults and youth 16+ w/ a parent)
Woodcarving Week to Week - Rose Holdorf (for adults and youth 14+ w/ a parent)
Build and Weave: Rug Making with a Twining Loom - Sarah Edwardsson and Barry Glassman (for adults 18+)